Terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions

InnoPort Facilities Reservation Request

  1. Facilities at InnoPort are used solely for purposes relevant to innovation and entrepreneurship.

  2. The availability of InnoPort facilities can be checked via Google Calendar (https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=aW5ub3BvcnQyMDIxQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ).

  3. Room 3B is specialised for EIR purpose and will not be open for reservation.

  4. Reservations can be made 3 months in advance. Event organisers are strongly advised to make reservation at least 1 week before the event date.

  5. Reservations for events would incur a booking fee of HKD $160 per session (2 hours) (except those organised by ORKTS, EPIN and GBAO).

  6. A deposit of $100 is required for any requested guest card from InnoPort. Event organisers shall collect the guest card on the event day. For events held on weekends or public holidays, event organisers shall collect the guest card on the last work day before the weekends or public holidays, within the working hours (from 8:45am to 5:30pm).

  7. Event organisers must return the guest card to InnoPort reception within two working days after the event. For those who are unable to return the card in person, guest card can be returned via the collection box located in the LG floor of InnoPort. A penalty of $100 per day will be incurred for late return.

  8. If there is any change in the booking including postponement and cancellation, please notify us at your earliest convenience. Rescheduling of events can be made once.

  9. Please share the footages/photos of your events with us. Photos will be used for record and marketing purposes.

Contact Us | innoport@cuhk.edu.hk